Terms and conditions

GTC = general terms and conditions

1. Basic data

1. The contract concluded on the basis of this document will not be registered, it will be concluded only in electronic form, it will not be considered a written contract, but it is part of the contract, it is written in English, it does not refer to a code of conduct. Details of the company operating the website:

Operator: Volmaul s.r.o
Representative: Volter Eleonóra
Registered office: Hlavná 22 Štúrovo 943 01 Szlovákia
Tax number: 2121518608
Community tax number: SK21211518608
Phone: +352 621 673 523

E-mail: nora@graphicandwebdesign.net

Website: www.graphicandwebdesign.net

Data of the webhosting company:

Name: Evolutionet Kft.

Registered office: 7342 Mágocs, Széchenyi utca 75.

Website: www.domain-tarhely.net

Email: info@domain-tarhely.net

Phone: +36 30 503 1929

2. Scope and modifiability of the GTC

1. These GTC define the rights and obligations of the parties and the circumstances related to the use of other services in relation to the use of the website and all contractual relations within the scope of other services of the Service Provider.

2. The scope of these GTC extends to all Users. The provisions of these GTC oblige or authorize the Service Provider and the Users, all their representatives, legal successors or assigns.

3. These GTC are valid from November 1, 2021 and will remain in force until revoked. The GTC also applies to the service legal relations established before its entry into force, as the Users accept the provisions of these GTC simultaneously with the ordering and extension of the individual services..

4. The Service Provider is entitled to unilaterally amend the GTC with prior notification of the Users affected by the amendment. The Service Provider will publish the changes on the websites 11 (eleven) days before they enter into force. For new Customers using the Service, the amended GTC will become effective on the day of its publication. At the same time as ordering the service, the Users – even if they have not concluded a contract with the Service Provider – accept the provisions of these GTC.

6. If the user accesses the website operated by the Service Provider or reads its content in any way, even if he is not a registered user of the website, he acknowledges that the provisions of the Regulations are binding on him / her. If the User does not accept the terms, he is not entitled to view the content of the website. 

3. General provisions

1. The Service Provider reserves all rights with regard to the website, any part of it and the content appearing on it, as well as the distribution of the website.

2. It is prohibited to download, electronically store, process and sell the contents or any part of the content appearing on the website without the written consent of the Service Provider. Any material may be retrieved from the website and its database only with the written consent of the website, even with written consent.

3. Given that the content of the websites may change independently of the Service Provider, unless otherwise provided by applicable law, the Service Provider is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of the content of the websites.

4. The Service Provider is not responsible for the content created or published by third parties, which have been uploaded to the Service Provider’s system by third parties or to which the websites refer.

5. Furthermore, the Service Provider is not responsible for the websites to which the links placed by the Users, etc. show. Should any problems arise in connection with the links published in this way, the Service Provider excludes its liability in all respects and the fee for the ongoing service is fully due.

6. The Service Provider reserves the right to modify the content of the websites at any time or to terminate its accessibility in compliance with the provisions of these GTC. The Service Provider does not guarantee that access to the websites is smooth. The Service Provider excludes liability for damages resulting from errors not attributable to the Service Provider, or from possible breakdowns exceeding the Service Provider’s 99.9% annual availability commitment. 

4. Essential characteristics of the subject of the contract

1. The products and service packages on the https://www.graphicandwebdesign.net website are the subject of a contract between the seller and the buyers. The unique features of the products and services on the website can be found on the product page or in the menu item Prices and services. The pictures shown are illustrations in some places, so the actual appearance and packaging of the product and services do not always correspond to reality. The purchase price of the product and services is in HUF or EUR and in all cases it is indicated whether the price is net or includes VAT.
2. The language of the contract is English or Hungarian. 

5. Request for quotation process

1. The prices of the services of the products placed on the website are for information only! You can request a quote using the forms in the menu items. After filling out and submitting the form, our customer service will answer your questions within 24-48 hours. If your request for a quote proves to be irrelevant, we will delete it from the system of the website after the offer has been restricted (14 days), plus 2 working days! 


1. The prices of the services of the products placed on the website are for information only!
The exact price will be determined after requesting a quote. The issued price offer is valid for 14 days! The prices indicated on the website do not include the cost of transport, installation or packaging. These costs, if any, are included in our quote. 


1. Despite all our efforts, the product or service on the website may be incorrectly priced. In all cases, the price offer issued, the prices are correct! 


1. Incoming messages and requests for quotations are processed from 24 to 48 hours on business days. 


1. We will send you email feedback on all incoming messages and requests for quotations. This means that after you submit your message or request a quote, you’ll receive an automatic email about your receipt. Each email sent automatically contains an ID number that you can refer to.

2. In the case of a telephone consultation, call the contact telephone number on the website or any of the telephone numbers in the e-mail. 

6. Description of the possibilities of complaint handling

1. We may also submit complaints about the activity of the website or the product distributed by the website to the operator of the website by e-mail and post. If the website also has a business premises, we can also communicate their complaint to the seller in person. The seller is obliged to respond in writing to the complaint received by e-mail or post and send it to the buyer within 25 days.

2. If the seller does not consider the complaint made by the buyer to be justified, he is obliged to justify it and send it to the buyer in writing, as well as to provide the buyer with information in writing on the nature of his complaint, which complaint handling options are available. The seller must provide the registered office, telephone number, Internet address and postal address of the competent conciliation body according to the consumer’s place of residence or stay.

3. The seller is obliged to keep the record of the complaint and a copy of the reply for five years.

4. Due to the nature of the Consumer’s complaint, the Service Provider can report its complaints related to its activities at the following contact details:

5. The User can report her/his complaints related to the activities of the Service Provider at the following contact details: 

Postal address: Hlavná 22 Štúrovo 943 01 Slovakia
Phone: +352 621 673 523
Email: nora@graphicandwebdesign.net

Office for Personal Data Protection of the Slovak Republic

Registered seat at Hraničná 12, 820 07 Bratislava
Phone: +421 /2/ 3231 3214
E-mail: statny.dozor@pdp.gov.sk


1. Consumers should report their consumer complaints to the consumer protection staff of the competent district office closest to their place of residence. Once the complaint has been dealt with, official proceedings will be taken if necessary.


1. If we reject a consumer complaint, you are entitled to make a consumer complaint against us, which you can submit to the competent Conciliation Body of your place of residence or stay. The conciliation body’s proceedings are initiated at the consumer’s request.

2. A condition for recourse to a consumer conciliation body is that the consumer tries to settle the dispute directly with the business. Direct dispute resolution can be done in person at the service provider’s customer service, by phone, by e-mail.

3. An additional requirement is that the application for proceedings before the Board, which must be submitted to the Chair of the Board, include the following:

  • the name,and place of residence of the consumer;
  • the name and registered office or place of business of the business with which the consumer is in dispute;
  • if the consumer wishes to submit a claim to a body whose jurisdiction depends on the place of performance of the contract, the consumer must indicate the place of performance of the contract;
  • the consumer’s position on the existing dispute, as well as the facts and evidence that support her/his own position;
  • a statement by the consumer that she/ he has attempted to settle the dispute directly with the business;
  • the consumer must also declare that she/he has not instituted proceedings before another conciliation body in the dispute, has not initiated mediation or civil proceedings;
  • it should include what it asks for, what decision it expects the board to make.
  • finally, the application must include the consumer’s signature.

4. In addition, the application must be accompanied by all documents to which the consumer refers
documents proving that the consumer has tried to settle the dispute with the business but has been unsuccessful.

5. We would like to inform you that our company has an obligation to cooperate in the conciliation panel proceedings. 


1. If the consumer does not go to conciliation or the procedure is unsuccessful, the consumer has the opportunity to go to court to settle the dispute.

2. The lawsuit must be initiated with an application containing the following information:

  • court hearing the case;
  • the names, domiciles and legal status of the parties and of their representatives;
  • the right to be enforced, stating the facts and evidence on which it is based;
  • the data from which the jurisdiction and jurisdiction of the court can be determined;
    a firm application for a court decision (application).

3. The application must be accompanied by the document or a copy thereof, the content of which is relied on as evidence. 


1. The European Commission has set up a website where consumers can register so that they can settle their online shopping disputes by completing an application, avoiding litigation. In this way, consumers can assert their rights without being prevented from doing so, for example, by distance.

2. The online dispute resolution platform is available at the link below:


7. Other provisions

1. The Service Provider is entitled to use an intermediary to fulfill its obligation. He is fully responsible for his unlawful conduct, as if he had committed the unlawful conduct himself.

2. If any part of these GTC becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it will not affect the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining parts.

3. If the Service Provider does not exercise its right under the GTC, the failure to exercise the right shall not be considered a waiver of the right. Waiver of any right shall be effective only upon express written notice to that effect. The fact that the Service Provider does not strictly adhere to any of the essential conditions or stipulations of the GTC at one time does not mean that it waives its right to adhere strictly to the given condition or stipulation at a later date.

4. The Service Provider and the User shall try to settle their disputes amicably. 



1. The User concludes the contract authorizing the use of the Service Provider’s services electronically by filling in the electronic registration form. The contract is concluded from the day when the User has filled in the electronic registration form in full and accepted the provisions of the GTC, and the Service Provider has activated the service.

2. The Service Provider sends an e-mail to the User about the activation of the services, ie the conclusion of the Contract, which contains the authentication link.

3. The User acknowledges that if he / she has provided false data on the electronic registration form or has not provided his / her own data, the Agreement is invalid.

4. In case of invalidity, the User is obliged to pay the fee for the used services to the Service Provider and the Service Provider will not refund the amount already paid.


1. The Service Provider undertakes to provide its Services to the User on an ongoing basis, if the User fulfills the conditions for the use of the services in accordance with the provisions of these GTC.

2. In order to activate services, the fee must be received by the Service Provider in the case of fee-based services.

3. The payment of the fee shall be deemed to have been made when it is fully credited to the service provider’s bank account. An additional condition for performance is that the payer must be the same as the customer on the Service Provider’s invoice. 


1. The Service Agreement will terminate if the parties comply with it, and may be terminated by mutual agreement of the parties or by unilateral declaration.

2. A single breach of contractual obligations also constitutes a serious breach of contract. This in itself justifies the immediate termination of the contract by means of a reasoned (electronic) written statement addressed to the other party.

3. The Contracting Parties shall settle accounts with each other upon termination of the Service Agreement.
At the same time, the Service Provider deletes all data concerning the User from its system and from the part accessible to anyone on the website, in compliance with the data protection provisions.

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